JavaScript snippet

When working on a development project, notifications can have a significant impact on meeting release objectives, especially in the fast-paced environment of IT consultancy. Development teams constantly encounter new professional and technical challenges, making effective communication and teamwork a key success factor.

To help with this, EveryLog provides a solution that allows you to track important events and receive instant notifications on your phone, whether you use Android or iOS. The greatest advantage of EveryLog is its ease of use and compatibility with any programming language, including Javascript.

How it works

To get started, simply go to our website and create an account.

We'll send you an API token that you can use to personalize the mandatory fields of your log, such as the projectId, title, summary, and body.
You can also add optional fields like tags for better filtering and an external link to open from the mobile application. And if you want to receive a push notification for the event, you can specify that too.

Once you've personalized your log, you're ready to use EveryLog!

Check out the following code snippets for JavaScript to get started.

import axios from 'axios';

const headers = { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${API_KEY}` }
const data = {
  projectId: "project-name",
  title: "New subscription",
  summary: "A new user has subscribed to base plan",
  body: " just subscribed to plan XYZ",
  tags: ["new subscriber"],
  groups: ["first-group"],
  externalChannels: ["channel-code", "other-channel-code"],
  properties: { key1: "value1", key2: "value2" },
  icon: "🤪",
  link: "",
  push: true
}"", data, { headers: headers });

Illustration of a programmer and the word Javascript write with colored letters

Ruby snippet

EveryLog Ruby snippet. A few lines of code and you're up!

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Python snippet

EveryLog Python snippet. A few lines of code and you're up!

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Curl snippet

EveryLog Curl snippet. A few lines of code and you're up!

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